Sara Cardeira MSc., BSc.(Hons), MBACP, MHS, MNCS (Acc) Psychotherapy and Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression

London & Online

Rahanni Celestial Healing - Energy Healing

Rahanni is a 5th dimension healing modality that vibrates on the pink ray of light and is heart centred. It helps release all fear based ways of thinking and negativity, opening up to truth, love, and compassion. Rahanni is a very gentle but powerful energy that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time.

A Rahanni session is similar to Reiki in the way it is delivered, however Rahanni is a 5th dimension Celestial healing energy, whereas Reiki is 3rd dimensional Earth based energy.

As the Rahanni energy is so powerful, sessions are a little shorter. Our bodies and energy fields need time to adjust to the healing, before being able to receive more energy. 

The average treatment plan is 3 sessions (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) and then ad hoc sessions when needed. 


In Person session (30 to 45 mins) - £60.00

Remote session (30 to 45 mins) - £45.00

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